OSD600 Lab 2 – Lucas Verbeke

For this lab we were tasked with installing vs code as a standard user and a developer.

Standard instillation is simple you just run the installer and you are off to the races. Once you have it installed you can install extensions easily through the application.

Installing it as a developer is a little more complicated as I am not very familiar with github but this will be a good exercise to learn the ins and outs.

First step was fork and clone the project locally and once that’s done I need to install all of the prerequisites.

Most of these I am familiar with like Node, Python, and Git but Yarn is new to me so I did a bit of research into its purpose and use. The website describes Yarn as a “package manager for your code” that allows you to “share code with other developers from around the world”. Basically my interpretation would be that it makes sure that everyone who has the code has the same packages so that there are no errors.

Once all the prerequisite programs are installed all you have to do is type yarn to get all of the dependencies and then type yarn run watch to run to build it.

As part of the lab we were asked to take a look at related technologies one of these that stuck out the most to me was Electron. Electron is a program that allows you to build desktop applications the same way you would make a web app. Developed by GitHub it uses chromium. Also it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux without any modification.

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